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Journal of Case Reports
Fluid Within Striae – An Unusual Phenomenon

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Divya Seshadri, Dipankar De, Manish Rathi1, Jane George, Amrinder J Kanwar
From the Department of Dermatology and Department of Nephrology1, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Divya Seshadri
Email: divyaseshadriaiims@gmail.com
Received: 9 AUG 2013 Accepted: 2-SEP-2013 Published Online: 20-SEP-2013
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17659/01.2013.0077
Striae distensae are common innocuous skin lesions. We report a patient of nephrotic syndrome with corticosteroid-induced large striae, which suddenly developed bulging and fluid accumulation. There were no associated cutaneous or systemic symptoms. Analysis of aspirated fluid showed it was a transudate and culture was sterile. It was concluded that edema fluid, as part of anasarca, had preferentially accumulated within the striae, probably due to their altered dermal mechanical properties. Recognizing this entity is important to avoid unnecessary alarm or irrational use of antibiotics.
Keywords : StriaeDistensae, Blister, Edema, Nephrotic syndrome, Antibiotics, Exudates.
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