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Journal of Case Reports
Development of Different Psychiatric Manifestations during Antiviral Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C
Giulia Simonetti1, Giovanni Vitale1, Gianfranco Taruschio2, Ranka Vukotic1,  Nesrine Gamal1, Luigia Pirillo1, Giancarlo Boncompagni2,  Mauro Bernardi1, Pietro Andreone1
From the Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche1, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy and DSM2, U.O. SPDC, Azienda USL Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. G. Simonetti
Email: giulia.simonetti2@studio.unibo.it
Received: 14-JAN-2014 Accepted: 27-MAR-2014 Published Online: 25-APR-2014
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17659/01.2014.0033
Pegylated interferon and Ribavirin are the treatment backbone for chronic hepatitis C and may favour the development of psychiatric symptoms. These adverse events may reduce treatment adherence and are a risk factor for its failure. The recent experts’ recommendations of European Association for the Study of the Liver, suggest monitoring psychiatric manifestations on a regular basis during the antiviral treatment but the frequency of psychiatric controls sometimes might be insufficient. We present a particular case of a young woman without psychiatric history, who developed different mood and behavioural disturbances during antiviral therapy, that required an intensive psychiatric monitoring and supportive psychotherapy. 
Keywords : Hepatitis C, Interferons, Antiviral Agents, Ribavarin, Psychotherapy.
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