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Journal of Case Reports
Role of Infliximab in Pediatric Fistulizing Crohn’s Disease

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Virtut Velmishi1, Emarjola Brahimllari1, Besa Hidri2, Luciano Mitro1, Guriel Nasto1, Gentiana Cekodhima3, Genti Xhelili4, Paskal Cullufi1
Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology1, Radiology2, Histopathology3 and Pediatric Rheumatology4; University Hospital Center “Mother Teresa” Tirana, Albania.
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Virtut Velmishi
Email: tutimodh@yahoo.com
Received: 21-FEB-2015 Accepted: 21-MAY-2015 Published Online: 20-JUN-2015
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17659/01.2015.0067
Background: Crohn’s disease, a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that was once considered rare in the pediatric population, is currently recognized as one of the most important chronic diseases that affects children and adolescents. Extra-intestinal manifestations rarely can precede IBD leading to a late diagnosis.  Case Report: This is a case report of a 13 year old boy admitted for draining abdominal fistulae. The patient refers a six year history of musculoskeletal manifestations with low back pain, recurrent fever and limping. Six months ago he underwent surgery for pelvic abscesses. After surgery he was referred to our service for draining an abdominal fistula. We performed a colonoscopy which shows images and histology compatible with Crohn’s disease.  We decided to treat the patient with infliximab, 5 mg per kilogram of body weight administered intravenously at weeks 0, 2, and 6. After the second dose of infliximab we noticed the complete closure of the fistula. Conclusion: Infliximab is a good treatment alternative in patients with Crohn’s disease preceded by musculoskeletal manifestations and complicated by abdominal fistula.
Keywords : Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn disease, Infliximab, Fistula, Colonoscopy.
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